Understanding the factors that augment optimal health during aging is critical as the US older adult population is increasing. Most research about food insecurity, nutritional risk, and perceived health among older adults are in urban areas or congregate living facilities. Thus, the purpose of this project was to study the relationships among these factors, plus activities of daily living, in community-dwelling older adults in a medium-sized city. Using a qualitative-quantitative study design, a cross-sectional survey was completed by 167 low-income senior apartment residents. Food insecurity in this group was higher than the national and state rate, yet nutrition assistance programs were underutilized and participants under 75 years were more food insecure than their older counterparts. Food insecure residents were at greater nutritional risk, had poorer self-reported health status, were more likely to be depressed, and had a less independent function, including limitations on the ability to shop for and prepare food. The study area is desirable to retirees due to lower cost of living; however, access to services, such as grocery stores, public transportation, and health care providers is limited. This research indicates the need for increased outreach, nutrition assistance, and support services to ensure healthy aging in these regions.