What evidence exists on conceptual differences in climate change perceptions of smallholders? A systematic map protocol.
Lia Taruiap TroncarelliCarla MorselloPublished in: Environmental evidence (2022)
This systematic map will follow the CEE guidelines and conform to the Reporting Standards for Systematic Evidence form. The review team will rely on five electronic databases of scientific publications-Scopus, Web of Science Core Collection, BASE-Bielefeld Academic Search Engine, Science Direct Elsevier and PubMed-with pre-tested search terms only in English. Publications will be filtered through the "articles only" and "English language" selections. Titles, abstracts, and full texts will then be screened using pre-defined eligibility criteria, including small-scale and indigenous populations inhabiting rural areas, as well as presenting explicitly or implicitly the concept of climate change perception. From articles meeting the eligibility criteria, the review team will extract and encode the data while selecting the full texts for reading. The review team will use a codebook pre-elaborated for encoding. No critical appraisal of study validity will be undertaken. Finally, a database with coded metadata of all studies in the map will be made available. The review team will present the evidence in a report map with text, figures, and tables, besides a catalogue of all identified perception definitions.