Dietary Omega-3 Source Effect on the Fatty Acid Profile of Intramuscular and Perimuscular Fat-Preliminary Study on a Rat Model.

Katarzyna CzyżEwa Sokoła-WysoczańskaRobert BodkowskiPaulina CholewińskaAnna Wyrostek
Published in: Nutrients (2020)
Fatty acids from the omega-3 family are an important element of both human and animal diets. Their activity involves a range of functions for the functioning of a whole organism, and their presence in animal diets can be considered as a means for animal origin product enrichment for human benefit or as compounds profitable for an animal's health status. The aim of this preliminary study was to compare the effect of supplements rich in omega-3 fatty acids (linseed oil, linseed oil ethyl esters, and fish oil) in rat feed on the fatty acid profile of their intramuscular and perimuscular fat. The results demonstrated beneficial changes in fatty acid profiles (a decrease in saturated acids, an increase in unsaturated ones, i.e., omega-3 acids share) of examined tissues in the case of all supplements however, particular attention should be paid to linseed oil ethyl esters, which significantly increased the content of all omega-3 acids. Supplementation of animal diet with linseed oil ethyl esters may be beneficial for both animals, as omega-3 fatty acids exhibit profitable properties related to an animal's health status and productivity, and humans who consume such enriched products.