Consistent social information perceived in animated backgrounds improves ensemble perception of facial expressions.
Mengfei ZhaoJun WangPublished in: Perception (2024)
Observers can rapidly extract the mean emotion from a set of faces with remarkable precision, known as ensemble coding. Previous studies have demonstrated that matched physical backgrounds improve the precision of ongoing ensemble tasks. However, it remains unknown whether this facilitation effect still occurs when matched social information is perceived from the backgrounds. In two experiments, participants decided whether the test face in the retrieving phase appeared more disgusted or neutral than the mean emotion of the face set in the encoding phase. Both phases were paired with task-irrelevant animated backgrounds, which included either the forward movement trajectory carrying the "cooperatively chasing" information, or the backward movement trajectory conveying no such chasing information. The backgrounds in the encoding and retrieving phases were either mismatched (i.e., forward and backward replays of the same trajectory), or matched (i.e., two identical forward movement trajectories in Experiment 1, or two different forward movement trajectories in Experiment 2). Participants in both experiments showed higher ensemble precisions and better discrimination sensitivities when backgrounds matched. The findings suggest that consistent social information perceived from memory-related context exerts a context-matching facilitation effect on ensemble coding, and more importantly, this effect is independent of consistent physical information.