We describe a patient with end stage renal failure (ESRF) on hemodialysis who was admitted to our department for primary varicella infection complicated by varicella pneumonia and encephalitis. Varicella infections results in serious morbidity and mortality in ESRF dialysis and transplant patients. Evidence published thus far suggests that live attenuated varicella vaccines are effective and safe in ESRF and renal transplant patients. Worldwide a few countries have instituted guidelines for the varicella immunisation in ESRF patients. However, in the Asia Pacific Region, it has not been widely given due to the lack of national consensus guidelines. Our case depicts that primary varicella infection can occur at any time in immunosupressed patients and thus suffer serious consequences from it. With increasing burden of chronic kidney disease, Renal Physicians and Family Physicians in the Asia Pacific Region should meet and study the epidemiological data in each individual country and decide on the consensus guidelines on how the varicella vaccination can be targeted for those at risk.