A N ShmakovYu S AleksandrovichS M StepanenkoPublished in: Anesteziologiia i reanimatologiia (2018)
The Protocol isn't seen as directive. The goal of the Protocol is to define theframes ofdiagnostic criteria and therapeutic action, within which a doctor working in an intensive therapy children have freedom of choice. The Protocol takes into account that the critical and postagressive states are characterized by the features of malnutrition, particularly manifested in the period of intensive growth (first life year). The Protocol submitted by: contraindications to artificial nutricion in any form; indications for parenteral nutrition; components ofparenteral nutrition; calculation of water and energy needs; calculation of substrate requirements; the system of "two in one" and "three in one "; monitoring the effectiveness ofparenteral nutrition; the use of adjuvants and active additives to artificial nutrition, indications for early enteral nutrition, time of the beginning of enteral nutricion and tolerance to it: trial feeding; trophic nutricion; the technique ofprobe feeding; selection offormulas for enteral nutrition; monitoring the effectiveness of enteral nutrition. The Protocol does not discuss the issues of planned nutritional preparation for surgery, nutritional support in chronic malabsorption, sipping.