Topical treatment for plantar warts: A systematic review.
Sara García-OrejaFrancisco Javier Álvaro AfonsoYolanda García ÁlvarezEsther Alicia García-MoralesIrene Sanz CorbalanJosé Luis Lázaro MartínezPublished in: Dermatologic therapy (2020)
There are a wide variety of treatments for plantar warts, but none has been shown to be effective in all patients. We aimed to perform a systematic review of the efficacy of different topical treatments on plantar warts. Systematic electronic searches (Pubmed, Cochrane Library, Embase, and Web of Science) were conducted in April 2020. Meta-analyses, systematic reviews, and retrospective or prospective clinical trials of the effects of topical and nonsurgical treatments of plantar warts were included. Two authors performed the study selection and data extraction. Any discrepancies between the two reviewers were discussed with a third reviewer. Forty-four studies were included. The average cure rates of the most frequent treatments were variable across the studies: cryotherapy (45.61%), salicylic acid (13.6%), cantharidin-podophyllin-salicylic acid formulation (97.82%), laser (79.36%), topical antivirals (72.45%), intralesional bleomycin (83.37%), and intralesional immunotherapy (68.14%). Twenty-two studies (50%) had a level of evidence 1b and grade of recommendation A, five studies (11.4%) had a level of evidence 2b and grade of recommendation B, two studies (4.5%) had a level of evidence 3b and grade of recommendation B, and 15 studies (34,1%) with a level of evidence 4 and grade of recommendation C. First-choice treatments for common warts, such as cryotherapy and salicylic acid, have low-cure rates for plantar warts. Other treatments, such as CPA formulation, immunotherapy, and intralesional bleomycin, which have compassionate use, have higher cure rates. This review should stimulate future high-quality research to evaluate these specialized treatments.