Supported online cognitive behavioural therapy for bulimia nervosa: a study protocol of a randomised controlled trial.
Sarah BarakatStephen TouyzDanielle MaloneyJanice RussellPhillipa HayMichelle CunichSharyn LymerMarcellinus KimSloane MaddenJane Miskovic-WheatleySarah MaguirePublished in: Journal of eating disorders (2021)
There is limited capacity within the mental health workforce in Australia to meet the demand of people seeking treatment for eating disorders. This imbalance has only worsened following outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic. Further research is required into innovative digital modes of treatment delivery with the capacity to service mental health needs in an accessible and affordable manner. Self-help programs may also appeal to individuals who are more reluctant to engage in traditional face-to-face treatment formats. This study will provide rigorous evidence on how to diversify treatment options for individuals with BN, ensuring more people with the illness can access evidence-based treatment. The study has been registered with the Australia New Zealand Clinical Trials Registry (ANZCTR Registration Number: ACTRN12619000123145p). Registered 22 January 2019, .