Outcome of Hypofractionated Palliative Radiotherapy Regimens for Patients With Advanced Head and Neck Cancer in Tikur Anbessa Hospital, Ethiopia: A Prospective Cohort Study.

Girum Tessema ZingetaYohannes Tesfaye WorkuMunir Awol AmanEdom Seife WoldetsadikMathewos Assefa WoldegeorgisTsion Zebdios ChamaJilcha Diribi FeyisaHawi Furgassa BedadaMohammed Ibrahim AdemTariku MengeshaRebecca Wong
Published in: JCO global oncology (2024)
All palliative hypofractionated regimens used were effective in terms of symptom control, tumor response rate, and QoL, and were well tolerated. This makes it appropriate for our setup because the majority of patients require palliation.