Inside or out? Clonal thiotrophic symbiont populations occupy deep-sea mussel bacteriocytes with pathways connecting to the external environment.
Tetsuro IkutaYuka AmariAkihiro TameYoshihiro TakakiMiwako TsudaRyo IizukaTakashi FunatsuTakao YoshidaPublished in: ISME communications (2021)
Deep-sea Bathymodiolus mussels are generally thought to harbour chemosynthetic symbiotic bacteria in gill epithelial cells called bacteriocytes. However, previously observed openings at the apical surface of bacteriocytes have not been conclusively explained and investigated as to whether the Bathymodiolus symbiosis is intracellular or extracellular. In this study, we show that almost all the membranous chambers encompassing symbionts in a single bacteriocyte of Bathymodiolus septemdierum are interconnected and have pathways connecting to the external environment. Furthermore, the symbiont population colonising a single bacteriocyte is mostly clonal. This study hypothesises on a novel model of cellular localization at the interface between extra- and intracellular symbiosis, and the cellular-level process of symbiont acquisition in Bathymodiolus mussels.