Efficacy and safety of prolonged-release hyaluronic acid derivative vaginal application in the postpartum period: a prospective randomised clinical trial.
Claudio GustavinoPaolo SalaNadia CusiniBrunella GravinaCecilia RonziniDiletta MarcolinValerio Gaetano VelloneMichele PaudiceRossella Elena NappiSergio CostantiniSimone FerreroFabio BarraPublished in: Annals of medicine (2021)
The results of our study demonstrated that hyaluronic acid derivative vaginal gel (Hydeal-D) was able to improve sexual function of puerperal women in the short-term treatment.KEY MESSAGEIn the puerperium, the hypoestrogenic state induced by delivery and subsequently sustained by lactation may lead to vaginal dryness, burning, and itching sensation, contributing to the onset of sexual dysfunction.Hydeal-D is a prolonged-release hyaluronic acid derivative characterised by elevated resistance to enzymatic breakdown. During puerperium, its local application may improve the vaginal microenvironment by ensuring a better migration and proliferation of cells involved in local tissue repair.Among puerperal women, Hydeal-D vaginal gel causes a significant improvement of sexual function, including desire, arousal, and lubrification, compared to expectant management. Furthermore, it leads to a decrease in vaginal pH and an increase of the trophic status of vaginal epithelium.