Spiritual assessment models for palliative care chaplains: a narrative review.
Paul K GalchuttPublished in: Journal of health care chaplaincy (2024)
Palliative care chaplains conduct spiritual assessments for those within their care. This narrative review examined the literature concerning existing spiritual assessment models developed or designated for palliative care chaplain use. The literature review was performed using four databases, including a hand search of references due to the variability of keywords used within the spiritual care literature. Five spiritual assessment models were identified. The analysis of the models focused on three areas: (1) Foundational basis, (2) Spiritual needs, and (3) Structural frameworks. Published spiritual assessment models for palliative care chaplain use are variable in how each one was formed, how each tool describes and structures spiritual care needs, and how the models are implemented within their respective contexts. The PC-7 advances the field, especially through its mixed methods approach. Future validation and reliability research is needed as well as investigations concerning which models are taught by chaplain educators and used by palliative care chaplains.