Long-Term Trends in Water Quality Indices in the Lower Danube and Tributaries in Romania (1996-2017).
Rodica-Mihaela FrîncuPublished in: International journal of environmental research and public health (2021)
The Danube River is the second longest in Europe and its water quality is important for the communities relying on it, but also for supporting biodiversity in the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve, a site with high ecological value. This paper presents a methodology for assessing water quality and long-term trends based on water quality indices (WQI), calculated using the weighted arithmetic method, for 15 monitoring stations in the Lower Danube and Danube tributaries in Romania, based on annual means of 10 parameters for the period 1996-2017. A trend analysis is carried out to see how WQIs evolved during the studied period at each station. Principal component analysis (PCA) is applied on sub-indices to highlight which parameters have the highest contributions to WQI values, and to identify correlations between parameters. Factor analysis is used to highlight differences between locations. The results show that water quality has improved significantly at most stations during the studied period, but pollution is higher in some Romanian tributaries than in the Danube. The parameters with the highest contribution to WQI are ammonium and total phosphorus, suggesting the need to continue improving wastewater treatment in the studied area. The methodology and the results of the study may be very useful instruments for specialists and decision makers in updating river basin management plans and prioritising intervention measures.