Food texture experiences across age groups in 4- to 36-month-old children in the United States.

Victoria A SuretteSarah Smith-SimpsonLisa R FriesCarolyn F Ross
Published in: Journal of texture studies (2021)
The question of what to feed becomes a new challenge as an infant reaches the transition to complementary foods. Limited information is available that provides a texture progression map for complementary food introduction. Thus, the objective of this study was to determine the relationship between age and food texture experiences (FTE) in young children aged 4-36 months in the United States. A parent-reported survey was fielded with 328 children categorized into five age groups (AGs): 4-8 months (AG1), 9-12 months (AG2), 13-18 months (AG3), 19-24 months (AG4), and 25-36 months (AG5). The present study analyzed four questions focused on FTE, with statistical analyses including probit and logit models, and analysis of variance. Results showed that all 16 food textures were tried at least once (>50%) by AG3. The question answered by participants, "How well does your child manage a specific texture," showed that significant differences existed among AGs for the management of 10 food textures (including chewy, hard, soft), whereas teething alone had no effect. The most refused textures by the children were AG1-crispy (27%), AG2-leafy (23%), AG3-leafy (40%), AG4-tough meat (52%), and AG5-leafy (51%). With increasing AG, the refusal probability of nine food textures, including chewy, leafy, and rubbery, also increased (p < .05). The refusal probability of cold food temperatures decreased with increasing age (p < .05). This study observed FTE in children across AGs and provides useful information to parents and practitioners as they introduce food textures into children's diets.