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The role of spatial structures of tissues in cancer initiation dynamics.

Cade SpauldingHamid TeimouriAnatoly B Kolomeisky
Published in: Physical biology (2022)
It is widely believed that biological tissues evolved to lower the risks of cancer development. One of the specific ways to minimize the chances of tumor formation comes from proper spatial organization of tissues. However, the microscopic mechanisms of underlying processes remain not fully understood. We present a theoretical investigation on the role of spatial structures in cancer initiation dynamics. In our approach, the dynamics of single mutation fixations are analyzed using analytical calculations and computer simulations by mapping them to Moran processes on graphs with different connectivity that mimic various spatial structures. It is found that while the fixation probability is not affected by modifying the spatial structures of the tissues, the fixation times can change dramatically. The slowest dynamics is observed in 'quasi-one-dimensional' structures, while the fastest dynamics is observed in 'quasi-three-dimensional' structures. Theoretical calculations also suggest that there is a critical value of the degree of graph connectivity, which mimics the spatial dimension of the tissue structure, above which the spatial structure of the tissue has no effect on the mutation fixation dynamics. An effective discrete-state stochastic model of cancer initiation is utilized to explain our theoretical results and predictions. Our theoretical analysis clarifies some important aspects on the role of the tissue spatial structures in the cancer initiation processes.