Digital literacy, technological literacy, and internet literacy as predictors of attitude toward applying computer-supported education.
Etem YeşilyurtRabia VeznePublished in: Education and information technologies (2023)
Even though there is an abundance of research on computer supported education (CSE), digital literacy (DL), technological literacy (TL), and internet literacy (IL), the correlation between them and their effect on each other have not been analyzed in the literature. However, no study has been conducted on the correlation between and effect of CSE, DL, TL, and IL and which additionally explains their relationship to each other. This study aims to analyze the effect levels among the latent variables of DL, TL, and IL, and the attitude toward applying CSE and these latent variables' ratios to each other. For this purpose, eight hypotheses were developed after reviewing the literature. A relational descriptive model is used to detect the presence and extent of covariance. The participants of this study were 510 prospective teachers. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis of the scales were performed. The hypotheses of the research were tested with the structural equation model. As a result, it was revealed that DL, TL, and IL together significantly affect and explain the attitude towards CSE. Different suggestions have been developed based on the results of the research.