A pilot study of AID-COMp: An innovative speech-language intervention for patients with early-stage major neurocognitive disorder.
Sophie ChesneauMichelle MekaryNadége ChayerGuylaine Le DorzePublished in: International journal of language & communication disorders (2022)
What is already known on the subject MND affects cognition and communication, which are crucial to a good relationship between a carer and a person with MND. Interventions involving only PwMND have been shown to be effective, but do not address all the communication impairments in the mild stage of MND. These interventions may require many therapy sessions. Generally, SLT interventions do not examine the potential effects of an intervention on carers. What this paper adds to existing knowledge AID-COMp, an intensive intervention of 10 sessions over 1 month, was provided to people living with MND in the community. It included training the person with MND in using a memory notebook combined with semantic and phonological therapy, a new discourse therapy and PACE therapy, addressing several communication deficits. After a control period of 2 months without intervention and a 1-month intensive intervention, the results showed significant improvement in naming, cognition and communication, and PwMND well-being. Moreover, the carers witnessed the impacts of therapy in their everyday life interactions with the PwMND. What are the potential or actual clinical implications of this work AID-COMp can provide communication support for PwMND that has further benefits reported by both PwMND and carers. We described AID-COMp in detail to inspire clinicians in providing SLT for unserved PwMND. Future research studies should use controlled designs, more participants and a qualitative component.