Cytokine manipulation has been widely used to bolster innate healing mechanisms in an array of modern therapeutics. While other anatomical locations have a more definitive analysis of cytokine data, the tendon presents unique challenges to detection that make a complete portrayal of cytokine involvement during injury unattainable thus far. Without this knowledge, the advancement of tendon healing modalities is limited. In this review, we discuss what is known of the cytokine profile within the injured tendinous environment and the unique obstacles facing cytokine detection in the tendon while proposing possible solutions to these challenges. IL-1β, TNF-α, and IL-6 in particular have been identified as key cytokines for initiating tendon healing, but their function and temporal expression are still not well understood. Methods used for cytokine evaluation in the tendon including cell culture, tissue biopsy, and microdialysis have their strengths and limitations, but new methods and approaches are needed to further this research. We conclude that future study design for cytokine detection in the injured tendon should meet set criteria to achieve definitive characterization of cytokine expression to guide future therapeutics.