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Immunotherapy in Alzheimer's disease: focusing on the efficacy of gantenerumab on amyloid-β clearance and cognitive decline.

Ali Azargoonjahromi
Published in: The Journal of pharmacy and pharmacology (2024)
Gantenerumab, a human monoclonal antibody (mAb), has been thought of as a potential agent to treat Alzheimer's disease (AD) by specifically targeting regions of the amyloid-β (Aβ) peptide sequence. Aβ protein accumulation in the brain leads to amyloid plaques, causing neuroinflammation, oxidative stress, neuronal damage, and neurotransmitter dysfunction, thereby causing cognitive decline in AD. Gantenerumab involves disrupting Aβ aggregation and promoting the breakdown of larger Aβ aggregates into smaller fragments, which facilitates the action of Aβ-degrading enzymes in the brain, thus slowing down the progression of AD. Moreover, Gantenerumab acts as an opsonin, coating Aβ plaques and enhancing their recognition by immune cells, which, combined with its ability to improve the activity of microglia, makes it an intriguing candidate for promoting Aβ plaque clearance. Indeed, the multifaceted effects of Gantenerumab, including Aβ disaggregation, enhanced immune recognition, and improved microglia activity, may position it as a promising therapeutic approach for AD. Of note, reports suggest that Gantenerumab, albeit its capacity to reduce or eliminate Aβ, has not demonstrated effectiveness in reducing cognitive decline. This review, after providing an overview of immunotherapy approaches that target Aβ in AD, explores the efficacy of Gantenerumab in reducing Aβ levels and cognitive decline.