In Vivo Genotoxicity Testing Strategies: Report from the 8th International Workshop on Genotoxicity Testing (IWGT).
Carol BeeversYoshifumi UnoKrista MeurerShuichi HamadaKiyohiro HashimotoDavid KirklandMatthew J LeBaronFrank Le CurieuxLudovic Le HégaratHans-Joerg MartusKenichi MasumuraWakako OhyamaDaniel J RobertsMarie VasquezJames WhitwellKristine L WittPublished in: Environmental and molecular mutagenesis (2023)
The in vivo working group (WG) considered three topics: acceptable maximum doses for negative erythrocyte micronucleus (MN) tests; validation status of MN assays in non-haematopoietic tissues; nuisance factors in the comet assay. The WG reached agreement on many issues, including: Negative erythrocyte MN studies should be acceptable if dosing is conducted to OECD test guideline (TG) 474 recommendations and if sufficient bone marrow exposure is demonstrated; consensus on the evidence required to demonstrate "sufficient" exposure was not reached. The liver MN test using six-week-old rats is sufficiently validated to develop an OECD TG, but the impact of animal age warrants additional study. Ki-67 is a reliable marker for cellular proliferation in hepatocytes. The gastrointestinal tract MN test is useful for detecting poorly absorbed or rapidly degraded aneugens, and for genotoxic metabolites formed in the colon. Although current validation data are insufficient to support development of an OECD TG, the methodologies are sufficient to consider as an appendix to OECD TG474. Comparison of comet assay results to laboratory historical control data (HCD) should not be used in data evaluation, unless the HCD distribution is demonstrated to be stable and the predominant source of HCD variation is due to animal, not study, factors. No universally acceptable negative control limit for any tissue was identified. Methodological differences in comet studies can result in variable data interpretations; more data are required before best practice recommendations can be made. Hedgehogs alone are unreliable indicators of cytotoxicity and additional investigations into cytotoxicity markers are required. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.