The World Health Organization (WHO) released the Global Health Sector Strategy 2016, which explicitly proposes a 90% reduction in the new hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection rate and a 65% reduction in HBV-related mortality by 2030. However, at present, there are still 296 million chronic hepatitis B virus-infected patients worldwide, and nearly 900,000 patients die every year from cirrhosis and liver cancer caused by HBV infection. Antiviral treatment for chronic hepatitis B virus infection can effectively inhibit HBV replication, reduce liver inflammation and necrosis, effectively block and reverse liver fibrosis, and even early cirrhosis, thereby lowering cirrhosis-related complications, liver cancer, and liver disease-related mortality. Although the domestic and foreign guidelines have gradually eased antiviral treatment indications for chronic hepatitis B, there are still a considerable number of chronic hepatitis B patients with nonconformity who cannot receive antiviral treatment because they do not meet the existing standards, resulting in the progression of more severe diseases. This study analyzed the prevalence of hepatitis B, the therapeutic effect of antiviral drugs, domestic and international guideline treatment standards, the assessment of key indicators changes in the guidelines, comprehensively considered the coverage rate and treatment standards for antiviral treatment, and explored the changes in disease burden and cost-effectiveness following increasing the coverage rate and reducing treatment thresholds in order to achieve the global strategic goal of eliminating hepatitis B as soon as possible as a public health threat.