The proportion of female doctors among younger generations has increased in recent years, and support for reemployment after childbirth and childcare leave is important for maintaining stability of local healthcare. We conducted a questionnaire with doctors in the Department of Pediatrics at Ehime University School of Medicine and it's affiliated hospitals to identify issues in the career development of female doctors. Although many female physicians want to pursue career development by obtaining subspecialty qualifications and PhD degrees, a high percentage have not actually obtained them. This is not only due to interruptions in work caused by childbirth and childcare but also because they are busy with housework, childcare, and daily work, and lack sufficient information about career development. In this regard, it appears that beyond improving work-life balance, female doctors must always keep in mind their career design and future goals, as well as their social mission as a physician. For administrators of these departments, acceptance of diversity, providing adequate support for female physicians to return to work after maternity/childcare leave, and balancing childcare and work are important for expanding female doctors' opportunities and career development.