Swasthya Rakshan Programme (SRP) provides health care services through Ayurveda, an initiative of the Government of India that aims to survey and create alertness of essential health appliances to ameliorate society from its grassroots level. The present study aimed to survey the prevailing health standards of residents in certain districts of India and to record the prevalence of diseases among them according to their living conditions, food habits, lifestyle, education, occupation and other socio-economic status. Data was collected through a community-based cross-sectional survey conducted from April 2018 to March 2019 in 22 Districts of 19 states in India. A stratified multi-stage sampling design was adopted for the survey. Documentation of demographic profile, food habits, lifestyle, hygiene status, and existing health conditions was assessed. A pre-designed semi-structured questionnaire was used for the collection of the data. Before initiating the programme, written consent was obtained. In this study, from 162 selected villages/colonies/areas, a total of 562,913 population and 81,651 households were surveyed. Sixty-nine thousand three hundred nineteen patients were cared for various ailments through health camps. The study found that the most prevalent disease in the concerned population was ' Sandhivata ' (Osteo-arthritis), that is, 43.0%, followed by ' Dourbalya ' (Debility), that is, 11.7%. The study includes insightful analyses of comprehensive demographic and health indicators classified by various socio-economic categories. The collected data regarding the prevalence of diseases with their sociodemographic correlations may provide a better understanding of the locality and thus may help in all future health endeavours.