Transformation of Cyanobacterial Biomolecules by Iron Oxides During Flash Pyrolysis: Implications for Mars Life-Detection Missions.
Samuel H RoyleJonathan S WatsonMark A SephtonPublished in: Astrobiology (2021)
Answering the question of whether life ever existed on Mars is a key goal of both NASA's and ESA's imminent Mars rover missions. The obfuscatory effects of oxidizing salts, such as perchlorates and sulfates, on organic matter during thermal decomposition analysis techniques are well established. Less well studied are the transformative effects of iron oxides and (oxy)hydroxides, which are present in great abundances in the martian regolith. We examined the products of flash pyrolysis-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (a technique analogous to the thermal techniques employed by past, current, and future landed Mars missions) which form when the cyanobacteria Arthrospira platensis are heated in the presence of a variety of Mars-relevant iron-bearing minerals. We found that iron oxides/(oxy)hydroxides have transformative effects on the pyrolytic products of cyanobacterial biomolecules. Both the abundance and variety of molecular species detected were decreased as iron substrates transformed biomolecules, by both oxidative and reductive processes, into lower fidelity alkanes, aromatic and aryl-bonded hydrocarbons. Despite the loss of fidelity, a suite that contains mid-length alkanes and polyaromatic hydrocarbons and/or aryl-bonded molecules in iron-rich samples subjected to pyrolysis may allude to the transformation of cyanobacterially derived mid-long chain length fatty acids (particularly unsaturated fatty acids) originally present in the sample. Hematite was found to be the iron oxide with the lowest transformation potential, and because this iron oxide has a high affinity for codeposition of organic matter and preservation over geological timescales, sampling at Mars should target sediments/strata that have undergone a diagenetic history encouraging the dehydration, dihydroxylation, and oxidation of more reactive iron-bearing phases to hematite by looking for (mineralogical) evidence of the activity of oxidizing, acidic/neutral, and either hot or long-lived fluids.