Understanding Components of Duration of Untreated Psychosis and Relevance for Early Intervention Services in the Canadian Context: Comprendre les Composantes de la Durée de la Psychose Non Traitée et la Pertinence de Services D'intervention Précoce Dans le Contexte Canadien.
Ashok MallaManish DamaSrividya N IyerRidha JooberNorbert SchmitzJai ShahBilal Issaoui MansouriMartin LepageRoss NormanPublished in: Canadian journal of psychiatry. Revue canadienne de psychiatrie (2021)
Although much of the variance in DUP is unexplained, especially for help-seeking component, the systemic portion of DUP may be partially determined by relatively malleable factors. Interventions directed at altering pathways to care and promote rapid access may be important targets for reducing DUP. Simplifying administrative procedures may further assist in reducing DUP.