Key issues, challenges, and preferred supports for those bereaved by suicide: Insights from postvention experts.

Katie McGillNavjot BhullarPhilip J BatterhamAlayna CarrandiSarah WaylandMyfanwy Maple
Published in: Death studies (2022)
For many, suicide bereavement is challenging. Postvention responses are few and evidence to inform them is lacking. Eighteen postvention experts completed an online survey regarding the key issues, challenges, and supports available to people bereaved by suicide. Participants were asked to identify the issues, then rank them in terms of importance at key times during the first 2 years after death, with navigating grief, managing relationships, and dealing with practical challenges identified. Access to information, practical assistance and non-judgmental support were most important early in the bereavement period. These findings provide a foundation for recommendations for postvention interventions.