Cell division cycle 20 (CDC20) functions as a critical cell cycle regulator. It plays an important role in cancer development and drug resistance. However, the molecular mechanisms by which CDC20 regulates cellular drug response remain poorly understood. Chromatin-associated CDC20 interactome in breast cancer cells was analyzed by using affinity purification coupled with mass spectrometry. hnRNPU as a CDC20 binding partner was validated by co-immunoprecipitation and immunostaining. The molecular domain, comprising amino acid residues 461-653, on hnRNPU required for its interaction with CDC20 was identified by mapping of interactions. Co-immunoprecipitation showed that CDC20-mediated hnRNPU ubiquitination promotes its interaction with the CTCF and cohesin complex. The effects of CDC20-hnRNPU on nuclear size and chromatin condensation were investigated by analyzing DAPI and H2B-mCherry staining, respectively. The role of CDC20-hnRNPU in tumor progression and drug resistance was examined by CCK-8 cell survival and clonogenic assays. Our study indicates that CDC20-mediated ubiquitination of hnRNPU modulates chromatin condensation by regulating the interaction between hnRNPU and the CTCF-cohesin complex. Dysregulation of the CDC20-hnRNPU axis contributes to tumor progression and drug resistance.