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Adaptation Time as a Determinant of the Dosimetric Effectiveness of Online Adaptive Radiotherapy for Bladder Cancer.

Aymane KhouyaChristoph PöttgenChristian HoffmannToke Printz RingbaekWolfgang LübckeFrank IndenkämpenMaja GuberinaNika GuberinaThomas GaulerMartin StuschkeAlina Santiago Garcia
Published in: Cancers (2023)
Interfraction anatomic deformations decrease the precision of radiotherapy, which can be improved by online adaptive radiation therapy (oART). However, oART takes time, allowing intrafractional deformations. In this study on focal radiotherapy for bladder cancer, we analyzed the time effect of oART on the equivalent uniform dose in the CTV (EUD CTV ) per fraction and for the accumulated dose distribution over a treatment series as measure of effectiveness. A time-dependent digital CTV model was built from deformable image registration (DIR) between pre- and post-adaptation imaging. The model was highly dose fraction-specific. Planning target volume (PTV) margins were varied by shrinking the clinical PTV to obtain the margin-specific CTV. The EUD CTV per fraction decreased by-4.4 ± 0.9% of prescribed dose per min in treatment series with a steeper than average time dependency of EUD CTV . The EUD CTV for DIR-based accumulated dose distributions over a treatment series was significantly dependent on adaptation time and PTV margin ( p < 0.0001, Chi2 test for each variable). Increasing adaptation times larger than 10 min by five minutes requires a 1.9 ± 0.24 mm additional margin to maintain EUD CTV for a treatment series. Adaptation time is an important determinant of the precision of oART for one half of the bladder cancer patients, and it should be aimed at to be minimized.