Different approaches to test orientation of self in space: comparison of a 2D pen-and-paper test and a 3D real-world pointing task.
Johannes GerbT BrandtM DieterichPublished in: Journal of neurology (2022)
Spatial orientation is based on a complex cortical network with input from multiple sensory systems. It is affected by training, sex and age as well as cultural and psychological factors, resulting in different individual skill levels in healthy subjects. Various neurological disorders can lead to different patterns or specific deficits of spatial orientation and navigation. Accordingly, numerous tests have been proposed to assess these abilities. Here, we compare the results of (1) a validated questionnaire-based self-estimate of orientation/navigation ability (Santa Barbara Sense of Direction Scale, SBSODS) and (2) a validated pen-and-paper two-dimensional perspective test (Perspective Taking Spatial Orientation Test, SOT) with (3) a newly developed test of finger-arm pointing performance in a 3D real-world (3D-RWPT) paradigm using a recently established pointing device. A heterogeneous group of 121 participants (mean age 56.5 ± 17.7 years, 52 females), including 16 healthy volunteers and 105 patients with different vestibular, ocular motor and degenerative brain disorders, was included in this study. A high correlation was found between 2D perspective task and 3D pointing along the horizontal (azimuth) but not along the vertical (polar) plane. Self-estimated navigation ability (SBSODS) could not reliably predict actual performance in either 2D- or 3D-tests. Clinical assessment of spatial orientation and memory should therefore include measurements of actual performance, based on a 2D pen-and-paper test or a 3D pointing task, rather than memory-based questionnaires, since solely relying on the patient's history of self-estimated navigation ability results in misjudgments. The 3D finger-arm pointing test (3D-RWPT) reveals additional information on vertical (polar) spatial performance which goes undetected in conventional 2D pen-and-paper tests. Diseases or age-specific changes of spatial orientation in the vertical plane should not be clinically neglected. The major aim of this pilot study was to compare the practicability and capability of the three tests but not yet to prove their use for differential diagnosis. The next step will be to establish a suitable clinical bedside test for spatial memory and orientation.