Gallbladder reporting and data system (GB-RADS) for risk stratification of gallbladder wall thickening on ultrasonography: an international expert consensus.

Pankaj GuptaUsha DuttaPratyaksha RanaManphool SinghalAjay GulatiNaveen KalraRaghuraman SoundararajanDaneshwari KalageManika ChhabraVishal SharmaVikas GuptaThakur Deen YadavLileshwar KamanSantosh IrrinkiHarjeet SinghYashwant SakarayChandan Krishuna DasUma SaikiaRitambhara NadaRadhika SrinivasanManavjit Singh SandhuRaju SharmaNitin ShettyAnu EapenHarmeet KaurAvinash KambadakoneRobbert de HaasVinay K KapoorSavio George BarretoAtul K SharmaAmol PatelPramod GargSujoy K PalMahesh GoelShraddha PatkarAnu BehariAnil K AgarwalBhawna SirohiMilind JavleGiuseppe GarceaFlavio NerviVolkan AdsayJuan Carlos RoaHo-Seong Han
Published in: Abdominal radiology (New York) (2021)
The Gallbladder Reporting and Data System (GB-RADS) ultrasound (US) risk stratification is proposed to improve consistency in US interpretations, reporting, and assessment of risk of malignancy in gallbladder wall thickening in non-acute setting. It was developed based on a systematic review of the literature and the consensus of an international multidisciplinary committee comprising expert radiologists, gastroenterologists, gastrointestinal surgeons, surgical oncologists, medical oncologists, and pathologists using modified Delphi method. For risk stratification, the GB-RADS system recommends six categories (GB-RADS 0-5) of gallbladder wall thickening with gradually increasing risk of malignancy. GB-RADS is based on gallbladder wall features on US including symmetry and extent (focal vs. circumferential) of involvement, layered appearance, intramural features (including intramural cysts and echogenic foci), and interface with the liver. GB-RADS represents the first collaborative effort at risk stratifying the gallbladder wall thickening. This concept is in line with the other US-based risk stratification systems which have been shown to increase the accuracy of detection of malignant lesions and improve management.