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Mixed reality navigation training system for liver surgery based on a high-definition human cross-sectional anatomy data set.

Muhammad ShahbazHuachun MiaoZeeshan FarhajXin GongSun WeikaiWenqing DongNiu JunLiu ShuweiDe-Xin Yu
Published in: Cancer medicine (2023)
A detailed 3D model can be reconstructed using the higher quality cross-sectional anatomical data set. When combined with 3D printing and HoloLens technology, a novel hybrid-reality navigation-training system for liver surgery is created. Mixed Reality training is a worthy alternative to provide 3D information to clinicians and its possible application in surgery. This conclusion was obtained based on a questionnaire and evaluation. Surgeons with extensive experience in surgical operations perceived in the questionnaire that this technology might be useful in liver surgery, would help in precise preoperative planning, accurate intraoperative identification, and reduction of hepatic injury.