High success rates for the use of sofosbuvir/ombitasvir/paritaprevir/ritonavir + ribavirin and sofosbuvir/simeprevir/daclatasvir + ribavirin in retreatment of chronic hepatitis C infection after unsuccessful sofosbuvir/daclatasvir therapy: a real-life experience.
Ebada Mohamed SaidBadawy A AbdulazizMohamed El KassasIbrahim Hussein El AttarMohammed EmadeldeenSherief M Abd-ElsalamPublished in: Archives of virology (2020)
The aim of this work was assessment of the efficacy and tolerability of two different regimens for retreatment of hepatitis C virus (HCV) patients who failed to respond to SOF/DCV-based therapy. This prospective study included 104 HCV patients who failed to respond to SOF/DCV-based therapy. Patients were randomly allocated to two groups. Efficacy and tolerability were assessed. The 12-week sustained virological response (SVR12) rates were 96% and 94.4% in groups B and A, respectively, with no significant difference (p = 1.000). Most adverse events reported were mild to moderate, with no deaths during the study. Multi-target direct-acting antiviral (DAA) combinations are efficient for retreatment of HCV patients after failure of SOF/DCV-based therapy in real-world management.ClinicalTrials.gov identifier: NCT02992457.