Diverse Face Images (DFI): Validated for racial representation and eye gaze.
Charisse B PickronAlexia J BrownCaitlin M HudacLisa S ScottPublished in: Behavior research methods (2024)
Face processing is a central component of human communication and social engagement. The present investigation introduces a set of racially and ethnically inclusive faces created for researchers interested in perceptual and socio-cognitive processes linked to human faces. The Diverse Face Images (DFI) stimulus set includes high-quality still images of female faces that are racially and ethnically representative, include multiple images of direct and indirect gaze for each model and control for low-level perceptual variance between images. The DFI stimuli will support researchers interested in studying face processing throughout the lifespan as well as other questions that require a diversity of faces or gazes. This report includes a detailed description of stimuli development and norming data for each model. Adults completed a questionnaire rating each image in the DFI stimuli set on three major qualities relevant to face processing: (1) strength of race/ethnicity group associations, (2) strength of eye gaze orientation, and (3) strength of emotion expression. These validation data highlight the presence of rater variability within and between individual model images as well as within and between race and ethnicity groups.