Management of postintubation tracheal stenosis with bronchoscope methods-An experience from two centers.

Arvindran AlagaVineet SimhanSrivatsa LokeshwaranSunil Kumar KSanjana Chetana Shanmukhappa
Published in: Respirology case reports (2024)
Tracheal stenosis is a common complication of endotracheal intubation or tracheostomy, resulting in significant morbidity and mortality. Bronchoscope interventions have been proposed as a safe alternative for the management of post-intubation post-intubation tracheal stenosis (PITS). Data for patients diagnosed with PITS across two hospitals, between 2021 and 2022, encompassing demographic, clinical, and procedural details were gathered from electronic medical records, and analysed. Primary outcomes centred on assessing the incidence and severity of PITS through bronchoscope examination and radiological imaging, and the efficacy of bronchoscope interventions, including stenting and the application of mitomycin C. Twelve patients were managed for PITS. Majority of patients were females (9/12) with mean age of 46.41 years. Presenting signs and symptoms were dyspnea, rhonchi and failed extubation, the mean duration of intubation/ tracheostomy is 16.41 days (range: 3-40 days). Most common comorbidity was type 2 diabetes, (5 patients, 41.6%). The lesions mean length was 3.09 cm and Cotton-Meyer Grade II and III. Prompt evaluation is crucial, in these patients. The Cotton-Meyer grade is pivotal in treatment decisions, with intubating times correlating with the severity of stenotic disease. Our case series demonstrates the increasing utility of bronchoscopy in managing these cases.