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Cyc8p and Tup1p transcription regulators antagonistically regulate Flo11p expression and complexity of yeast colony biofilms.

Phu Van NguyenOtakar HlaváčekJana MaršíkováLibuše VáchováZdena Palková
Published in: PLoS genetics (2018)
Yeast biofilms are complex multicellular structures, in which the cells are well protected against drugs and other treatments and thus highly resistant to antifungal therapies. Colony biofilms represent an ideal system for studying molecular mechanisms and regulations involved in development and internal organization of biofilm structure as well as those that are involved in fungal domestication. We have identified here antagonistic functional interactions between transcriptional regulators Cyc8p and Tup1p that modulate the life-style of natural S. cerevisiae strains between biofilm and domesticated mode. Herein, strains with different levels of Cyc8p and Tup1p regulators were constructed, analyzed for processes involved in colony biofilm development and used in the identification of modes of regulation of Flo11p, a key adhesin in biofilm formation. Our data show that Tup1p and Cyc8p regulate biofilm formation in the opposite manner, being positive and negative regulators of colony complexity, cell-cell interaction and adhesion to surfaces. Notably, in-depth analysis of regulation of expression of Flo11p adhesin revealed that Cyc8p itself is the key repressor of FLO11 expression, whereas Tup1p counteracts Cyc8p's repressive function and, in addition, counters Flo11p degradation by an extracellular protease. Interestingly, the opposing actions of Tup1p and Cyc8p concern processes crucial to the biofilm mode of yeast multicellularity, whereas other multicellular processes such as cell flocculation are co-repressed by both regulators. This study provides insight into the mechanisms regulating complexity of the biofilm lifestyle of yeast grown on semisolid surfaces.