Precision rehabilitation for aphasia by patient age, sex, aphasia severity, and time since stroke? A prespecified, systematic review-based, individual participant data, network, subgroup meta-analysis.
null nullMarian C BradyMyzoon AliKathryn VandenBergLinda J WilliamsLouise R WilliamsMasahiro AboFrank BeckerAudrey BowenCaitlin BrandenburgCaterina BreitensteinStefanie BruehlDavid A CoplandTamara B CranfillMarie di Pietro-BachmannPamela M EnderbyJoanne FillinghamFederica Lucia GalliMarialuisa GandolfiBertrand GlizeErin GodeckeNeil HawkinsKaterina HilariJacqueline J HinckleySimon HortonDavid HowardPetra JaecksElizabeth JefferiesLuis M T JesusMaria KambanarosEun Kyoung KangEman M KhedrAnthony Pak-Hin KongTarja KukkonenMarina LaganaroMatthew A Lambon RalphAnn-Charlotte LaskaBéatrice LeemannAlexander Paul LeffRoxele Ribeiro LimaAntje LorenzBrian MacWhinneyRebecca Shisler MarshallFlavia Mattioliİlknur MavişMarcus MeinzerReza NilipourEnrique NoéNam-Jong PaikRebecca L PalmerIlias PapathanasiouBrigida PatricioIsabel Pavão MartinsCathy J PriceTatjana Prizl JakovacElizabeth RochonMiranda L RoseCharlotte RossoIlona Rubi-FessenMarina B RuiterClaerwen SnellBenjamin StahlJerzy P SzaflarskiShirley A ThomasMieke van de Sandt-KoendermanIneke van der MeulenEvy Visch-BrinkLinda E WorrallHeather Harris WrightPublished in: International journal of stroke : official journal of the International Stroke Society (2022)
We observed a treatment response in most subgroups' overall-language, auditory comprehension, and functional communication language gains. For some, the maximum treatment response varied in association with different SLT-frequency, intensity, and dosage. Where differences were observed, working-aged, chronic, mild-moderate, and male subgroups experienced their greatest language gains alongside high-frequency/intensity SLT. In contrast, older, moderate-severely impaired, and female subgroups within 3 months of aphasia onset made their greatest gains for lower-intensity SLT. The acceptability, clinical, and cost effectiveness of precision aphasia rehabilitation approaches based on age, sex, aphasia severity, and chronicity should be evaluated in future clinical RCTs.