Exposure to Psychological Intimate Partner Violence: Resilience to Depression is Related to Social Support and Learned Resourcefulness.

Cennet Yastıbas KacarPınar ÇinarEmir Üzümçekerİmran Gökçen Yılmaz-Karaman
Published in: Journal of interpersonal violence (2023)
Psychological violence is the most common form of intimate partner violence (IPV). Psychological IPV places women at significant risk for depressive symptoms. Accordingly, this study examined the moderator role of perceived social support and learned resourcefulness (LR) as personal resources in the relationship between psychological IPV and depression. This cross-sectional study was performed via an online survey platform. A total of 168 Turkish women, with a mean age of 33.8, completed a set of measurement tools. Data were assessed using linear regression and two-way and three-way interactions in moderated multiple regression analyses. The results of the study showed that as expected psychological IPV was directly associated with depression (β = .268, p  < .001). To explore the moderator roles, two separate two-way interactions were conducted, and results demonstrated that neither social support nor LR separately moderated the relationship between psychological IPV and depression. However, there was a significant three-way interaction: togetherness of perceived social support with LR moderated the relationship between psychological IPV and depression (β = -.388, p  < .05). More specifically, if women exposed to psychological IPV have high perceived social support and high LR, they are less likely to report depressive symptoms. This finding highlights the positive effect of the combination of personal resources on depression linked to psychological IPV's detrimental effects. The findings were discussed in the light of the relevant literature. Interventions focusing on strengthening social support and fostering LR skills may promote the psychological well-being of women exposed to psychological IPV.