Predicting speed of progression of lens opacification after pars plana vitrectomy with silicone oil.
Philipp SchindlerLuca MautoneVasyl DruchkivToam KatzMartin Stephan SpitzerChristos SkevasPublished in: PloS one (2022)
Using an objective parameter like LD delivered by the PentacamHR® PNS mode additionally to the patient's age allows us to make an individual prediction for any time after PPV with silicone oil due to RRD for all ages. The accuracy of the model was stronger influenced by baseline LD as cofactor in the equation than patient's age. The application for the prediction lens opacification [which can be accessed for free under the following link (] can help vitreoretinal surgeons for patient consultation on the possibility to combine PPV with cataract surgery.