Trends of perceived disruption in healthcare services during the pandemic: findings from the COVID-19 National Resilience Cohort in Iceland.
Yue WangAnna Bára UnnarsdóttirIngibjörg MagnúsdóttirFang FangEdda Bjork ThordardottirHarpa RúnarsdóttirThorvardur Jon LoveSigurður Yngvi KristinssonRunólfur PálssonJóhanna JakobsdóttirHelga ZoegaKristjana Hrönn ÁsbjörnsdóttirHuan SongArna HauksdóttirThor AspelundUnnur Anna ValdimarsdóttirPublished in: European journal of public health (2024)
A disruption in healthcare services during the COVID-19 pandemic was reported by vulnerable groups, while the Icelandic healthcare system managed to maintain accessible services to individuals with COVID-19.