Acrodictys-like wood decay fungi from southern China, with two new families Acrodictyaceae and Junewangiaceae.
Ji Wen XiaYing Rui MaZhuang LiXiu Guo ZhangPublished in: Scientific reports (2017)
During our continuous survey (2012-2016) of saprobic hyphomycetes from dead branches in the forest ecosystems of southern China, we collected several acrodictys-like species. Acrodictys-like species are characterized by darkly pigmented and muriform conidia produced from holoblastic conidiogenous cells on macronematous, mononematous, cylindrical and unbranched or infrequently branched conidiophores. Phylogenetic analyses of ncLSU, ncSSU, ITS and tub2 sequence data lead us to propose two novel families in Sordariomycetes, Acrodictyaceae and Junewangiaceae. In addition, a new species, Acrodictys hainanensis, two new combinations, Junewangia queenslandica and Distoseptispora martinii, three new Chinese records, Acrodictys liputii, A. peruamazonensis and Junewangia sphaerospora are introduced. Two names, Acrodictys globulosa and A. malabarica, are resurrected.