A Hybrid Model of In-Person and Telemedicine Diabetes Education and Care for Management of Patients with Uncontrolled Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: Findings and Implications from a Multicenter Prospective Study.

Ayla M TourkmaniTurki J AlharbiAbdulaziz M Bin RsheedAzzam F AlotaibiMohammed S AleissaSultan AlotaibiAmal S AlmutairiJancy ThomsonAhlam S AlshahraniHadil S AlroyliHend M AlmutairiMashael A AladwaniEman R AlsheheriHyfaa Salaheldin SatiBudur AljuaidAbdulaziz S AlgarzaiAbood AlaboodReuof A BushnagWala GhabbanMuhammed AlbaikSalah AldahanDalia ReddaAhmed AlmalkiNoura AlmousaMohammed AljehaniAlian A Alrasheedy
Published in: Telemedicine reports (2024)
The findings showed that the hybrid model of in-person and telemedicine care and education effectively managed uncontrolled T2DM. Consequently, the role of telemedicine in diabetes management could be further expanded as part of routine diabetes care in primary settings to achieve better glycemic control and minimize nonessential in-person visits when appropriate.