GCNF regulates OCT4 expression through its interactions with nuclear receptor binding elements in NCCIT cells.

Sung-Won ParkHyun-Jin DoWonbin ChoiJin-Hoi KimHyuk SongHan-Geuk SeoJae-Hwan Kim
Published in: Journal of cellular biochemistry (2017)
We demonstrate that OCT4 expression is regulated by germ cell nuclear factor (GCNF) via its interactions with three nuclear receptor (NR) binding sites within OCT4 promoter conserved regions (CRs) in human embryonic carcinoma (EC) NCCIT cells. OCT4 expression is gradually reduced during the retinoic acid-induced differentiation, while GCNF temporarily increased after 2 days and then significantly decreased. In addition, OCT4 expression is significantly reduced by overexpression of exogenous GCNF, but increased by GCNF shRNA-mediated knockdown. The transcriptional activity of OCT4 is significantly inhibited by dose-dependent overexpression of GCNF. While mutants at each of the NR binding sites retain the repressive effects of GCNF on OCT4 promoter activity, the repressive effect was completely eliminated in the reporter construct with all binding sites mutated even in the presence of GCNF. Furthermore, the transcriptional activity of native minimal promoter (CR1-Luc) containing the first NR binding site was significantly reduced by GCNF overexpression, while the mutant retained basal activity to some extent. Next, an exogenous minimal ti promoter-inserted CR2 reporter construct containing the second and third NR binding sites (CR2-ti-Luc) was co-transfected with GCNF expression vector. The transcriptional activity of CR2-ti-Luc was significantly decreased by GCNF overexpression, while mutation of both binding sites retained the transcriptional activity of the reporter construct. Binding assays confirmed the direct interaction of GCNF with all three NR binding sites cooperatively. Taken together, GCNF acts as a transcriptional repressor in the regulation of OCT4 gene expression through cooperative interaction with three NR binding elements in pluripotent NCCIT cells.