ESHRE PGT Consortium good practice recommendations for the organisation of PGT.
null nullFilipa CarvalhoEdith CoonenVeerle GoossensGeorgia KokkaliCarmen RubioMadelon Meijer-HoogeveenCéline MoutouNathalie VermeulenMartine De RyckePublished in: Human reproduction open (2020)
The field of preimplantation genetic testing (PGT) is evolving fast, and best practice advice is essential for regulation and standardisation of diagnostic testing. The previous ESHRE guidelines on best practice for preimplantation genetic diagnosis, published in 2005 and 2011, are considered outdated and the development of new papers outlining recommendations for good practice in PGT was necessary. The current updated version of the recommendations for good practice is, similar to the 2011 version, split into four documents, one of which covers the organisation of a PGT centre. The other documents focus on the different technical aspects of embryo biopsy, PGT for monogenic/single-gene defects (PGT-M) and PGT for chromosomal structural rearrangements/aneuploidies (PGT-SR/PGT-A). The current document outlines the steps prior to starting a PGT cycle, with details on patient inclusion and exclusion, and counselling and information provision. Also, recommendations are provided on the follow-up of PGT pregnancies and babies. Finally, some further recommendations are made on the practical organisation of an IVF/PGT centre, including basic requirements, transport PGT and quality management. This document, together with the documents on embryo biopsy, PGT-M and PGT-SR/PGT-A, should assist everyone interested in PGT in developing the best laboratory and clinical practice possible.