Aneuploidy generally has severe phenotypic consequences. However, the molecular basis for this has been focused on single chromosomal dosage changes. It is not clear how the karyotype of complex aneuploidies affects gene expression. Here, we identified six different double-trisomy loquat strains from Q24 progenies of triploid loquat. The differences and similarities of the transcriptional responses of different double trisomy loquat strains were studied systematically via RNA-seq. The global modulation of gene expression indicated that both cis and trans-effects coordinately regulated gene expression in aneuploid loquat to some extent, and this coordinated regulation was determined by different gene functional groups. Aneuploidy can induce specific transcriptional responses on loquat chromosomes. The differentially expressed genes exhibited regional gene expression dysregulation domains along chromosomes. Furthermore, Aneuploidy could also promote the expression of genes with moderate and high in loquats. Our results provide new insights into the genome-wide transcriptional effects of karyotypes with complex aneuploidies.