[Development of a meat-based product for enteral nutrition].
O K DerevitskayaA S DydykinM A AslanovaV N SergeevP R ZokhrabyanPublished in: Voprosy pitaniia (2018)
Meat is a source of the most full value protein, which contains all essential amino acids, B group vitamins, minerals, including heme iron and zinc. The development of enteral mixtures produced on the basis of meat raw materials will allow leveling the problem of annoyance with the same product taste and extending an assortment of the supplied products for enteral nutrition. As a result of the experiments on the model and natural objects, the technology was developed for beef-based canned food intended for enteral nutrition of people in the post-operative period as well as in the conditions associated with appetite loss, mandibulofacial injuries, burning injury, chewing and swallowing impairments. The multi-component recipe modules balanced by fatty acid and amino acid composition, enriched with the vitamins and minerals were theoretically substantiated and realized. The minimal score was 0.99 unit fractions, coefficient of utility (0.83 unit fractions), coefficient of comparable redundancy 7.20 g/100 g protein. The obtained values of the balance criteria allow making a conclusion about approximation of the values to the physiologically necessary ratio. The correction of the fatty acid composition of the mixture models was carried out in order to increase the unsaturated fatty acid content by combination of meat fat with vegetable oils. The actual ratio of the fatty acid (SFA:MUFA:PUFA) in the product was 16.1:54.7:29.2, the ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 PUFA was 4:1. When designing the vitamin and mineral composition, the intensity of the thermal effect was taken into account. As a result, the doses for addition of vitamins were established with regard to their destruction during the technological process. Based on the performed research, the technology was developed for meat-containing canned food, adapted to the real conditions of the enterprises engaged in production of meat products for child nutrition. The product can be used as a basis or additional source of nutrition during the necessary period of nutritive support of patients.