An extended Human Connectome Project multimodal parcellation atlas of the human cortex and subcortical areas.

Chu-Chung HuangEdmund T RollsJianfeng FengChing-Po Lin
Published in: Brain structure & function (2021)
A modified and extended version, HCPex, is provided of the surface-based Human Connectome Project-MultiModal Parcellation atlas of human cortical areas (HCP-MMP v1.0, Glasser et al. 2016). The original atlas with 360 cortical areas has been modified in HCPex for ease of use with volumetric neuroimaging software, such as SPM, FSL, and MRIcroGL. HCPex is also an extended version of the original atlas in which 66 subcortical areas (33 in each hemisphere) have been added, including the amygdala, thalamus, putamen, caudate nucleus, nucleus accumbens, globus pallidus, mammillary bodies, septal nuclei and nucleus basalis. HCPex makes available the excellent parcellation of cortical areas in HCP-MMP v1.0 to users of volumetric software, such as SPM and FSL, as well as adding some subcortical regions, and providing labelled coronal views of the human brain.