COPD Exacerbation Syndrome: The Spanish Perspective on an Old Dilemma.
Juan Jose Soler-CataluñaJosé Luis López-CamposPublished in: International journal of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (2022)
The definition of exacerbation of COPD as a syndrome, as proposed by the Spanish COPD guidelines (GesEPOC) 2021 update, and the consequences that this implies, have direct implications on patient care. This review analyzes this novel vision of the COPD exacerbation syndrome, its rationale, and its clinical implications, as opposed to the traditional symptoms-based or event-based definitions. An exacerbation conceived as a syndrome provides us with an umbrella term to include a set of diverse alterations, which, either in isolation or more frequently in combination, are clinically expressed in a similar way in patients with COPD. In patients with COPD, this occurs as a consequence of worsening expiratory airflow limitation or the underlying inflammatory process, producing a worsening in symptoms with respect to the baseline situation. This definition therefore assumes a worsening in at least one of the two key physiopathological markers, lung function and inflammation. The main features of this new physiopathological proposal include a syndromic approach with narrower differential diagnosis, the use of several biomarkers, treatable traits to better guide treatment, and a new severity classification. Further research is needed to examine the role of eosinophils in this context, but currently, the early results are promising. The evaluation of severity is key in the multidimensional characterization of exacerbation and the GesEPOC 2021 proposes new approaches and also recommends the use of multidisciplinary scores for severity categorization in patients. Finally, another innovation in the GesEPOC 2021 refers to the recurrence of exacerbations, which has implications for disease prognosis or long-term clinical impact which need to be elucidated in further studies.