Return to work predicts perceived participation and autonomy by individuals with stroke.

Emma WesterlindHanna C PerssonKarin TörnbomKatharina S Sunnerhagen
Published in: Disability and rehabilitation (2019)
Purpose: Participation in activities of everyday life is seen as main goal of rehabilitation after a stroke and return to work is an important factor to consider for the substantial number of persons having a stroke at working age. The current study aims to investigate whether returning to work would predict self-perceived participation and autonomy in everyday life after a stroke, from a long-term perspective.Materials and methods: Persons with first-ever stroke at age 18-63 years in 2009-2010, Gothenburg, were included. As 5-year follow-up, the Impact on Participation and Autonomy questionnaire was sent out, investigating self-perceived participation/autonomy in five levels, and work status was investigated from national sick-absence registers. Prediction of work on participation/autonomy was investigated with logistic regression.Results: A total of 109 participants (49%) responded to the questionnaire. The majority (69-94%) perceived very good participation/autonomy in all domains and 59% were working 5 years after stroke. Working was a significant predictor of high participation/autonomy in all domains of the questionnaire.Conclusions: Being able to return to work after a stroke seems to be important for self-perceived participation/autonomy. This emphasizes the importance of work-oriented information and rehabilitation after a stroke at working age.Implications for rehabilitationThe current study shows that the majority report high self-perceived participation and autonomy in everyday life and 59% are working 5 years after a stroke in working age.To work 5 years after a stroke was a significant predictor for self-perceived participation and autonomy in everyday life.Since stroke is becoming more common among working age persons and work seem important for perceived participation and autonomy, to optimize the return to work by for instance work-oriented information and vocational rehabilitation is important.