A Descriptive Analysis of Countries Represented by Authors' and Editorial Review Board Members' Institutional Affiliations in the Journal of Music Therapy, 1998-2022.

Michael J SilvermanParintorn Pankaew
Published in: Journal of music therapy (2024)
The Journal of Music Therapy (JMT) authors' and editorial review board members' (ERBM) affiliation locations represent an aspect of diversity through differing cultures and political, healthcare, and educational systems. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to examine the countries of JMT authors' and ERBM's institutional affiliations from 1998 to 2022. We established inclusion and exclusion criteria, operationally defined categories, and built databases. A total of 433 articles met our inclusion criteria. Most articles were published by authors/author teams located in the United States (n = 305; 70.44%) or in a single international country (n = 85; 19.63%), while fewer articles were published by author teams located in multiple international countries (n = 23, 5.31%) or in international countries and the United States (n = 20, 4.62%). Authors were from 21 countries, and there tended to be a slight decline over time in articles by United States authors. When examining the total countries represented, United States authors (n = 330) had the most articles followed by Australia (n = 32), Norway (n = 18), England (n = 14), Israel (n = 13), and Canada, Denmark, and South Korea (all n = 12). There were 632 total JMT ERBM with 470 located within the United States and 162 located internationally. Although all ERBM's affiliations were in the United States in 1998, these data gradually changed. There were more ERBM located internationally than in the United States from 2020 to 2022. Most international ERBM were from Australia, Canada, England, Israel, and Spain. Implications, limitations, and suggestions for future research are provided.