Untargeted metabolomics confirms the association between plasma branched chain amino acids and residual feed intake in beef heifers.
Ezequiel Jorge-SmedingSergio PolakofMuriel BonnetStéphanie DurandDelphine CentenoMélanie PétéraSébastien TaussatGonzalo Cantalapiedra-HijarPublished in: PloS one (2022)
This study explored plasma biomarkers and metabolic pathways underlying feed efficiency measured as residual feed intake (RFI) in Charolais heifers. A total of 48 RFI extreme individuals (High-RFI, n = 24; Low-RFI, n = 24) were selected from a population of 142 heifers for classical plasma metabolite and hormone quantification and plasma metabolomic profiling through untargeted LC-MS. Most efficient heifers (Low-RFI) had greater (P = 0.03) plasma concentrations of IGF-1 and tended to have (P = 0.06) a lower back fat depth compared to least efficient heifers. However, no changes were noted (P ≥ 0.10) for plasma concentrations of glucose, insulin, non-esterified fatty acids, β-hydroxybutyrate and urea. The plasma metabolomic dataset comprised 3,457 ions with none significantly differing between RFI classes after false discovery rate correction (FDR > 0.10). Among the 101 ions having a raw P < 0.05 for the RFI effect, 13 were putatively annotated by using internal databases and 6 compounds were further confirmed with standards. Metabolic pathway analysis from these 6 confirmed compounds revealed that the branched chain amino acid metabolism was significantly (FDR < 0.05) impacted by the RFI classes. Our results confirmed for the first time in beef heifers previous findings obtained in male beef cattle and pointing to changes in branched-chain amino acids metabolism along with that of body composition as biological mechanisms related to RFI. Further studies are warranted to ascertain whether there is a cause-and-effect relationship between these mechanisms and RFI.